Air traffic control systems in operation
today are ground-based, using technology that dates back to the 1960’s.
Satellite-based control systems allow air traffic controllers to be more
efficient. The U.S. is currently working on NextGen, a satellite-based air
traffic control system that is being implemented in stages through 2025. GPS
technology will be used to increase accuracy and shorten routes. NextGen is
expected to save time and fuel, reduce air traffic delays, increase flight
capacity and permit air traffic controllers to monitor aircraft with improved
safety margins.
What a great concept! This backpack features a built-in water-resistant hoodie that stows away to look like a normal backpack. This means you never have to make that risky decision between taking your hooded rain jacket or leaving it at home when you go out for the day. If it starts raining – or you need some extra warmth – just unfold the hood. The hood folds up and tucks into a hidden pocket near the top carry handle, concealing under the straps. To bust out the hood, just pull it out and unroll it.
A coaster that uses the heat/cold of the drink to charge your mobile phones. The Epiphany One Puck, which doubles as a drinks coaster, connects to a phone with a USB cable. It has two sides, one red, one blue. Owners use the red side as a drinks coaster to place a hot drink on it, and the blue side as for a cooling drink such as a beer. It uses something called a Stirling engine to turn heat into energy.
In February, Chaotic Moon Labs began testing a robotic
shopping cart that acts a bit like a mind-reading butler. To start it up, you
can text message the cart’s built-in tablet computer. Now it knows who you are
and what you need for dinner. The cart uses Microsoft’s Kinect motion-sensor
technology to track and follow you through the store, pointing you toward
products on your list. The system will also warn you if you’ve added something
that violates your dietary restrictions. Items you add to the cart can be
automatically scanned, and you can finalize your purchase from the device.
A team of Dutch and Italian researchers has found that the
way you move your phone to your ear while answering a call is as distinct as a
fingerprint. You take it up at a speed and angle that’s almost impossible for
others to replicate. Which makes it more reliable password than anything you’d
come up with yourself. Down the line, simple movements like the way you shift
in your chair, might also replace passwords on your computer. It could also be
the master key to the seven million passwords you set up all over the Internet
but keep forgetting.
Apple has seen sales of iPhones, apps, and its other devices boomed throughout the pandemic because people spend most of their time studying, working, and shopping online due to global lockdown. Customers continued to upgrade their devices to the latest ones to tackle working and studying from home. Their profit was $23.6bn, up from $11.3bn for the same period last year. Facebook has also boomed its sales during the pandemic as many consumers spent their time online for entertainment, shopping, and hanging around with people. Their profit was higher than expected at $9.5bn. Source: